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GSO Test

Learning for Life


Visits to museums, galleries,  theatres and other places of interest are an important part of the curriculum at Belmont Junior School and form the basis of work of quality and depth. Every class aims to undertake a visit a term related to their topic work. Trips are ambitious, and require careful and consistent planning and preparation by class teachers.

The children will have the opportunity to go on two types of trips the first being routine local trips, such as walks in the local area, and the second being longer day trips that  require travel by bus, tube or coach. We aim to use public transport where possible as this supports messages taught in geography and science on environmental issues and our work on teaching our children to become responsible citizens (plus it's free!).

We also offer all children in school the opportunity to attend an overnight residential experience  –  2 nights away in Year 4 and a full week away in Year  6.  We work alongside Cuffley Outdoor Centre and the Outward Bound Trust to organise these residential visits which offer a unique opportunity to develop children’s independence, resilience, social and physical skills.