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Learning for Life

Belmont families

Belmont Families is a parent/carer school association whose aim is to raise funds for school enrichment activities, ensuring an equal experience for all children within the school community. It also aims to celebrate and promote our diverse school community to create a friendly, inclusive environment and of course provide extra opportunities to have fun at school!

Our association is about much more than simply fundraising. It exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

Everyone with responsibility for a child attending either of the two schools is automatically a member of Belmont Families. All teachers and support staff employed by the two schools and the Vale resource base are also members.

We actively fundraise and run social events throughout the year whilst continuously exploring new ways of supporting the school, inspiring our children and lifting their aspirations. Some of our most popular events are cake sales, the Christmas fair, ice skating at Ally Pally and the Summer fair. We have lots planned for the coming year and are always keen to hear different ideas and schemes that we can get involved in and run.

Money we raise goes towards library books, enrichment activities  and subsidising school trips to keep costs affordable for families.

Belmont Families Chair's Report, October 2024

 Belmont Families AGM, October 2024

How can you get involved?

There are lots of ways parents and carers can help out: 

  • Join our email list to stay informed of our events (email BelmontFamiliesPTA@gmail.com
  • Become a class rep 
  • Volunteer to help out at events
  • Donate via your work through match funding schemes or charity payroll donations. Ask your HR or CSR department at work to find out what they can offer
  • Pledge resources instead of money, by offering a tangible service or donating equipment
  • Offer prizes suitable for raffles/auctions/tombola
  • Sign up to easyfundraising and 4,000 shops and sites will donate to Belmont Families every time you do your usual online shopping for free. This includes all the big names like John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos, M&S and more.
  • Attend termly meetings 
  • Co-ordinate individual projects such as Christmas cards and talks 
  • Share your ideas for new initiatives