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GSO Test

Learning for Life

House Teams

Every child in our school is placed in one of 6 ‘house teams’ – Cobras (green), Eagles (blue), Scorpions (yellow), Phoenix (red), Panthers (black) and Wolves (white).

Children are placed in the same houses as their older siblings when they enter the school in Year 3 and they stay in those houses for the whole of their time in our school. They will need to wear a plain t-shirt in their house team colour for PE lessons.

Children are awarded 'house points' for demonstrating positive examples of our school values - Perseverance, Collaboration, Learning, Generosity of Spirit - through their work or their attitude and behaviour. Each week the 'house points' are totalled and the winning 'house' is celebrated in the Friday ‘Good News’ Assembly. The winning team get awarded a trophy with their team's ribbons and a picture of their house symbols attached.

The house team system fosters good relationships between children in different year groups and encourages a sense of working together. This is most evident in our annual Sports Day in the Summer term when the different houses compete against one another for the Belmont Sports Day Shield.