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Learning for Life


Science Curriculum

At Belmont, we instil curiosity in our children and foster in them a desire to discover how science is vital to understanding our world and everyday phenomena. We enable children to discover for themselves methods, processes and uses of science by developing a sense of excitement and curiosity through hands-on practical science. Although children are also given the substantive knowledge about topics (the what) not just the disciplinary knowledge (the how). Children use an ever-increasing body of scientific language to ask their own questions about what they observe and make decisions about which types of scientific enquiry are likely to be the best ways of answering them later. We teach a very broad curriculum which includes, but is not restricted to, the content of the National Curriculum. Each year children develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas that help them to gain a better understanding of world. Children are encouraged to understand how science is used to explain natural phenomena, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.

Design and Technology

In Design and technology at BJS children will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to devise high-quality real and practical solutions (products) to real problems in a wide range of contexts. They evaluate past and present design and technology and develop their understanding of its impact on our life and the wider world. They will acquire the knowledge to:

Design products

 use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups

 generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided design

Make products

 Cut a range of materials with increasing precision (wood, card, paper, different fabrics) using a range of techniques – measuring, sawing, using scissors

 Join materials using both flexible (hinges) and rigid joins – PVA glue, hot glue gun, sewing – and learn how to strengthen and reinforce these joins

 Use mechanical systems of increasing complexity – levers, pulleys, cams, linkages – to control movement in their models  Use electrical systems in their products

 Use computers to control, program and monitor their products

Evaluate products

 In every Design and technology project, children will analyse, investigate and evaluate existing products and in doing so will learn what makes a successful product. They will produce their own design criteria and will evaluate their work against these criteria and will also consider the views of others in order to improve what they have made.


 With technology playing such a significant role in society today, pupils at BJS are equipped with the computing skills and knowledge to learn and grow effectively and safely in the ever-changing digital world.

Each term, all pupils are given the opportunity to explore and master skills in Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy through a variety of media, embedded within our rich and balanced curriculum. They become responsible digital citizens who make autonomous, mature decisions about digital safety and are prepared for a technological future that does not yet exist.