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Learning for Life


At Belmont Junior School, we teach a curriculum that is broad in its scope that meets all National Curriculum requirements and goes further to enrich, enthuse and excite children in their learning. 

We know that children do well in school, and in life, when they have a wide and rich vocabulary at their fingertips. The carefully sequenced and coherent curriculum at Belmont ensures that children’s existing knowledge is built upon each year. Our curriculum aims to extend their vocabulary through their study of different subjects as they move through our school. 

We know that learning is best when children’s experiences are first hand and ‘real’ so take a creative and practical approach wherever appropriate and make links between subjects where it will help to embed children's knowledge and reinforce vocabulary. Our Belmont Curriculum Handbook gives more detail about what is taught at each stage in our school in each subject.

Our school values of Generosity of Spirit, Perseverance, Collaboration and Learning develop children’s characters to prepare them for life beyond Belmont Juniors and into adulthood, not just while they are at our school. These values are continually reinforced by all staff and are encouraged, recognised and rewarded when children display them, whether in the classroom or at play.