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GSO Test

Learning for Life


Children need to be in an environment where they feel safe and secure, this is essential if they are to learn effectively and develop a responsible attitude toward others.  Clearly defined rules and expectations contribute to the establishment of such an environment.

At Belmont Juniors we set a positive example ourselves as teachers, staff, parents and governors in the way we care, share, co-operate and show kindness and respect towards one another.

To support positive behaviour, we work to increase children’s self esteem. This is achieved through having shared vocabulary used by staff to empower children to deal with difficult situations, regular praise and explicit discussions about what children are doing that is so good/helpful and an agreed and regularly referred to set of rules, the Belmont Charter' which is displayed in every classroom:

  1. We work together to help each other
  2. We are always safe and sensible and look after our school
  3. We are kind and honest and treat everyone with respect
  4. We work hard and never give up
  5. We are all equal and always include each other
  6. We are enthusiastic learners and we have fun

In addition, children are expected:

  1. To be polite and considerate to all adults and children in our school and to try to understand other people’s points of view.
  2. To do nothing to prevent others from learning. This means arriving on time, listening carefully, helping each other when appropriate and being sensible at all times.
  3. To respect all pupils’ right to playtime free from abuse, discrimination, bullying and aggression, either verbal or physical.
  4. To realise that adults need to be informed of any unfairness or bullying behaviour by other children if they are to be able alleviate a problem. This will be treated in confidence. A note can be left in the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher’s office, in a ‘Feelings box’ in school or with any member of staff.
  5. To accept responsibility for their actions and to understand that the role of school staff is to enforce good behaviour – and to understand that they will be spoken to about their behaviour if it does not follow school policy.
  6. To move calmly and sensibly about the school. This means never running, barging or shouting, but being ready to help by opening doors, standing back to let people pass and helping to carry things. On the stairways, keep to the left.
  7. To keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place we can all be proud of.
  8. To accept and follow the school’s Behaviour Policy.