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Learning for Life

Equalities Objectives 

We are committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout our school community.   Our equality objectives for 2024-25 are:

1.   To review our teaching to ensure it actively engages all children, particularly those at the early stages of English and those identified as disadvantaged, in order that they make better than expected progress.

Adapt teaching approaches as per WalkThru CPD and development, cross phase peer coaching (observing and applying best practice), with reference to EEF research on best approaches to teaching, ensure learning is active and engaging, use of visuals, models, concrete apparatus as appropriate

2.       To strive to diminish the difference in attainment in of children with English as a second language, and with particular reference to our Turkish/Kurdish children, by teachers providing a supportive and challenging approach, by continually reviewing whether our provision meets these children’s needs and adapting their teaching as appropriate e.g. targeting support to identified children, interventions, working with parents; in order that the gap closes to no more than 20% and ideally less than 10% in all year groups.

To diminish the difference in attainment of EAL children  in English at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2 NB:

In 2024 80% of White British children achieved EXS+ in RWM at the end of Year 2 but only 52% of EAL children (13 of 23 children) and 0% of Turkish children (0 out of 3 children)

In 2024 80% of White British children achieved EXS+ in RWM at the end of Year 6 but only 56% of EAL children (18 of 32 children) and 30% of Turkish/Kurdish children (3 out of 10 children)

In 2024 80% of White British children achieved EXS+ in reading at the end of Year 2 but only 65% of EAL children (15 of 23 children)

In 2024 80% of White British children achieved EXS+ in writing at the end of Year 2 but only 61% of EAL children (13 of 23 children), only 3% of Turkish children (1 of 3 children)

In 2024 90% of White British children achieved EXS+ in reading at the end of Year 6 but only 59% of EAL children (19 of 32 children); only 30% of Turkish/ Kurdish children (3 of 10 children)

In 2024 80% of White British children achieved EXS+ in writing at the end of Year 6 but only 66% of EAL children (20 of 32 children); only 40% of Turkish/ Kurdish h children (4 of 10 children)

3.       To strive to diminish the difference in attainment in of ‘disadvantaged’ children by providing a supportive and challenging approach, by continually monitoring whether our provision meets their needs and adapting as appropriate e.g. by providing 1:1 tutoring,  workshops for parents in order that the gap closes to no more than 15% and ideally less than 10% in all year groups.

To diminish the difference in attainment in ‘disadvantaged’ children in EYFS. NB:

In 2024 76% of ‘advantaged’ children achieved GLD at the end of Reception but only 40% of ‘disadvantaged’ children (2 of 5 children)

To diminish the difference in attainment in writing of ‘disadvantaged’ children at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. N.B:

In 2024 75% of ‘advantaged’ children achieved EXS+ in writing at the end of Year 2 but only  25% of ‘disadvantaged’ children (1 of 4 children);

In 2024 75% of ‘advantaged’ children achieved EXS+ in writing at the end of Year 6  but only 46% of ‘disadvantaged’ children (5 of 11 children) 

4.        To increase the extent to which all pupils, in particular those with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act, feel valued, supported and confident, and in consequence are more likely to achieve their potential. All children will receive carefully planned PSHE, HRE and SRE lessons.  Our broad curriculum celebrates a diverse range of achievements, our literature promotes diversity and anti-racism teaching is planned. We will safeguard and promote the characteristics outlined in the Equality Act, ensuring that all individuals feel safe, valued, and confident within our school community. These characteristics include age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation. By actively acknowledging and supporting these diverse attributes, we foster an inclusive environment where every individual is respected, supported, and empowered to thrive.