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Learning for Life

Belmont Infants

Fiona Crean is now the Executive Headteacher of both Belmont Junior and Infant Schools but the schools remain as  two separate entities with separate DfE numbers, separate Ofsteds etc. 

The schools share the same community and the same ethos.  Both schools prioritise enjoyment of  learning through a broad, creative curriculum. We provide a range of exciting experiences such as artists in residence, theatre trips, museum visits and more; these capture their curiosity and foster a love of learning. We want the children to leave the Belmont community with great memories that will last them a lifetime. We know that children do best when they are supported at home and so both schools work very closely with parents to ensure that our children can thrive during their time in our schools. 

As the vast majority of our children come from the Infant school we work closely together to ensure a smooth transition. It is the policy that Infant classes are mixed prior to starting the Junior school. We feel that regular, routine mixing of classes helps the children’s relationships, helps to balance the classes and limits any ongoing friendship issues within classes which are not conducive to learning and thus allowing children to develop better resilience and widen their circle of friends in a safe and comfortable environment. See our  Policy on mixing classes 2024  for full details.

Applying for a Year 3 place

If your child was born between  1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 and your child attends the Infant school, you will need to apply for a junior place at Belmont Juniors for September 2025.  This link will tell you how to apply:

Applying for a place at a Junior School in Haringey