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Learning for Life

Home Learning

We aim that all learning, including home learning, is social, active, engaging and creative where possible. 

At Belmont Juniors we are committed to parental involvement and see homework as one way of developing this partnership.

Research shows (EEF, Dec 2018) that overall, the general benefits of giving homework to young children are likely to be modest and that the quality of the task set appears to be more important than the quantity of work required from the pupil.

The report states that:

  • Parents can have a positive effect on homework completion and it helps children to develop effective learning habits. As a school we need to support parents in encouraging good habits for homework.

  • Short focused tasks or activities which relate directly to what is being taught, and which are built upon in school, are likely to be more effective than regular daily homework.

Teachers send home short practical activities to develop talk, a love of books and reading, core mathematical fluency and spelling.