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GSO Test

Learning for Life


Keeping children safe is central to everything we do, from risk assessments for trips, fire drills, safer recruitment processes, welfare/medical procedures, supervision ratios, curriculum coverage, enhanced DBS checks for all staff, to enabling mechanisms for pupil voice and reporting hazards on site.

A specific branch of our safeguarding responsibility is called ‘Child Protection’ and this puts a duty on all members of staff to promote the welfare of all children and protect them from actual or suspected harm, defined as follows:

  • protecting children from maltreatment (neglect, physical, emotional and sexual)
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes (including referral to children’s social care for statutory assessments under the Children Act 1989, especially section 17 [children in need] and section 47 [a child suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm]).

Our statutory duty to protect children from harm is clearly set out in government guidance, ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’.

If you have a concern about the welfare of a child, please get in touch immediately with Fiona Crean or Katherine Prodromou (Designated Safeguarding Leads) 

If you would like advice from Haringey’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (social care), they can be contacted as follows:

  • Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 5pm; Friday 8.45am to 4.45pm
    Tel: 020 8489 4470
  • Out of office hours, including weekends the Emergency Duty Team
    Tel: 020 8489 0000

For more information see Haringey's Child Protection site

Operation Encompass

Our school is part of the Operation Encompass initiative. Operation Encompass is a police and school early intervention, safeguarding and information sharing partnership, which supports children experiencing domestic violence and abuse. 

Operation Encompass is based upon the national requirements to not only identify children in need of support but to also ensure that this support is put in place immediately. Please see the poster below for more information or visit the Operation Encompass website. Operation encompass

Why was operation encompass created?