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Learning for Life

Parent Support Services

If you have any concerns about bullying, we encourage you to come and speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

We will always investigate to see whether the definition of bullying has been met and devise solutions with the children to make sure that any bullying behaviours are addressed and monitored. Where the definition is not met, a child may be involved in a relational conflict, and in these cases it is still essential that behaviours are monitored, support offered and child-led solutions identified.  We are committed to listening to every one of our pupils.

We work with various external agencies to help provide support for children and families where bullying is/has occurred at home or school, such as CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service), art & play therapy in school from Hope in Tottenham, Victim Support, Early Help Family Support Workers and PAARS (Parent Abuse and Reconciliation Service) solution focused approaches to child/sibling violence.

Resources and information is available for parents/carers at: