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Learning for Life

Key Priorities

Key Priorities 2024-25

That all children continue to receive well-planned and challenging teaching

  • To incorporate and embed research on best practice teaching methods into our classrooms, with particular reference to feedback and behaviour and relationships;

  • To continue to improve teaching and attainment in writing. 


That all children continue to learn and achieve in a safe, respectful and tolerant environment

  • To ensure the lowest  attaining children  make accelerated progress;

  • To ensure we have high expectations for our EAL/deprivation / Black /Turkish/Kurdish/ SEND children and have worked to  remove any barriers to achievement.

To promote children spiritually, culturally, mentally and physically

  • Develop links across the schools  that create awareness of our children’s role in the institution as responsible citizens.

To ensure everyone is a leader

  • Senior leaders across the federation have clarity of purpose regarding the new shared ethos.