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Learning for Life


At Belmont, one of the primary aims of our approach is to build the self-belief in children that they can do maths, and if they are struggling with anything … they just can’t do it yet!

Our ambition is that all pupils become confident and fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, have the ability to reason mathematically and gain a deep conceptual understanding. Through high expectations and an inclusive approach to teaching mathematics, we provide the learning experiences that ensure all children know that by working hard they can achieve.

We use White Rose Maths as a foundation scheme to support teachers in preparing and delivering maths lessons, while drawing upon other resources such as NCETM, Inspire Maths, Target Your Maths and various online websites. White Rose Maths is carefully designed to promote progression with an emphasis on a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach. Children will also develop their knowledge and understanding of Times Tables using the Times Tables Rock Stars platform regularly, both at school and at home.

Maths is taught daily and children receive at least 5 hours of maths each week. There are many maths links across other subjects, such as Science, Computing and DT. In a Maths lesson at Belmont, you can expect to see:

  • children being encouraged to explore deeper using variation and precise questioning
  • high-quality direct whole class teaching, with an emphasis on independent exploration and guided practice with a stop-start approach to the lesson
  • collaborative work with a high value placed on mathematical discussion, children being encouraged to explore with others and peer support when needed
  • emphasis on mathematical vocabulary used in questions and answers
  • learning being supported by concrete manipulatives to provide children with the tools to explore, develop and test mathematical concepts
  • teaching staff working with small groups of children who require more support, both during the lesson and in targeted intervention sessions
  • children’s work being marked in lessons where possible with adult support to correct misconceptions and next steps given to deepen and extend learning
  • children being encouraged to take ownership of the marking process and to self-assess the next steps in their learning.
  • rich and sophisticated problem-solving activities are prepared and dropped in during units to provide challenges for children to demonstrate greater depth thinking skills

Calculation Policy 2024