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Learning for Life

Remote Learning

Remote Learning at Belmont Juniors is taught via our online platform, Google Classroom, teacher created videos of lessons and some live sessions on Zoom. 

Every day there are some live sessions staggered to allow parents to support siblings. Video lessons are uploaded by staff, particularly for English, to support the teaching of reading and writing. White Rose lessons and resources are used for Maths.The work is carefully matches to our curriculum with the key function being to mirror the classroom based learning.

The teachers  provide a weekly timetable and daily tasks for the children . The timetable will give an overview of the week to allow parents to plan their time and priorities. Teachers upload the tasks onto Google Classroom the night before they are due to be completed to allow parents time to read through them if they wish. IWork always includes English, maths plus another subject such as science or art. 

Teachers monitor work across the week and give feedback on the learning using Google Classroom .School staff monitor who logs in to live sessions and if work is being uploaded to the remote learning platforms and parents/carers are contacted if children are not participating for more than 48 hours. 

We understand that families could be juggling working from home themselves, supporting a number of children and sharing devices needed for learning. For this reason we are not setting a daily timetable although we expect children to compete the tasks set each day.  We ask that parents/ carers contact teachers to explain individual or changing circumstances that may impact on this.